Many organization held demonstration in various parts of Kashmir against the rape if minor in Bandipora rape case.
Kashmir University students on Saturday held a peaceful protest demonstration over the horrific rape incident that took place in Bandipora yesterday.
Kashmir University students on Saturday held a peaceful protest demonstration over the horrific rape incident that took place in Bandipora yesterday.
Reports reaching said that dozens of students held a sit-in near Allama Iqbal Library and then marched towards Humanities Block, inside the Varsity premises, carrying placards mostly of which read, "Punish the Guilty", "End the Rape Culture", "Death for Rapist" and "Justice for Victim".
Yasir Hussain, a Music and Fine Arts department student said that they have gathered to demand a stern and deterrent punishment to the culprit.
"We have gathered here to demand a stern punishment to the culprit", Yasir said while adding that "the culprit should be stoned to death" which according to him "will serve an ultimate lesson for others."
Sakeena, part of the demonstration, from Persian department, expressed her concerns over the safety of girls in Kashmir. "Girls are now not safe in Kashmir, Sakeena said while adding that we get to hear news of such heinous crimes on a daily basis now.
Demanding death penalty to the accused, she said that, "We request the authorities to hang the rapist to stop such cases from happening in the future".
While raising slogans against the culprit, the students later on dispersed peacefully near Humanities block.
Pertinently, the incident that has sent shivers down the spines of everyone involved the rape of a 3-year-old Bandipora girl by the accused identified as Tahir Ahmad Mir who is in his 20's.
Social organizations also held protest demonstration against the rape of the 3 years old.
The police have already taken the accused into custody and an FIR number 81/2019 under section 363/342/376 stand registered against him at Police Station Sumbal.
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